Holy Holy Rage
This rage is holy
She slices through the core of my being
And opens a portal to my higher self
I let her burn through my veins
I surrender to her fiery promise
She liberates me from a lifetime of smallness
From decades of fear
And catapults me into dimensions unknown
The key is discovered to be “no label”
Without a name this holy rage becomes
An elixir
The missing ingredient to my wholeness
Without a name I feel the radical alchemy
That transmutes her into divine power
Like a caterpillar to a butterfly
She can fly now
In her new form, she does not need to attack
She does not need to cut or kill
She does not need worn out tactics, manipulations, or passive aggression
She simply thrives as full embodied power
In my belly, in my womb, in my yoni
I come alive
And I can look out at what seems apart
And have fierce compassion
And fierce boundaries
I can say yes and no simultaneously
I place this rage on the altar
With rose petals and lit candles
And I rub her feet with scented oils
She has come to set me free
And I bow in wonder