I Came To It Slowly

I came to it slowly
The infusion of alive in everything.

I love this wall, I told her astonished. 
I stood stunned. Transfixed.
This wall is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!

She giggled. Like she knew what I was knowing.

The darkness,
The monstrous beast,
That I had discovered
In the bowels of my despair
The one I had gone to bed with
And made love with
Had shed its coat
And revealed the most intoxicating love

And I felt it in everything.
The wall.
The plant.
My hand.
My heart.
The wind outside.
My mother’s face.

I became a whirling dervish
In passionate devotion with life
In the mundane ordinariness of my living room.


“I Had to Die to Fly”


I’m Scared